Technology Delivers a Better Life

Technology Delivers a Better Life

Technology Delivers a Better Life

High Performance Digital Conveyor

High Performance Digital Conveyor Belt Product Design and Services

Industrial Intelligent Conveying

Real-time access to the operating status, 
to ensure the safe operation of the conveyor system.

Intelligent Mine Integration

A high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and 
product development of unmanned technology for open-pit mining vehicles.

SPACE1 metaverse

Providing customers with full-stack meta-universe scenario solutions.
74 Years
Exploration and Practice
1986 people
4 individual
Manufacturing Base
4660 kilometer
Annual Conveyor Belt Production Capacity
60 country
Business Spreads All Over the World
1000 +

Towards a New Business Civilization

In this time of urgent need to address climate change, we have come together as a group of innovators and advocates with a common mission to promote sustainable development and carbon reduction.